Archive for September 5th, 2007

Olivia Lugar FT Athlete of the Week

September 5, 2007

Scratch golf in the 9th grade. Now that’s impressive. Congrats, Olivia!

from :
Last week: A 5-foot-4 freshman, Lugar shot a combined even par over 18 holes at the No. 1 position for the Minutemen, who beat Palm Bay and Astronaut. Lugar, 14, shot 1-under 35 at Cocoa Beach Country Club and 1-over 36 at Sherwood. A quick five with Lugar

School start date is a matter of perspective

September 5, 2007

Summer vacation is ending sooner – Los Angeles Times:

Why, Daryl Klein wanted to know, was he standing outside the principal’s office at Burbank’s John Muir Middle School on this impossibly hot August day instead of enjoying the waning days of summer vacation at home, to be capped by a lazy Labor Day weekend?

As he spoke, the school, which began classes Aug. 27, had just been plunged into a power outage and the triple-digit weather only seemed to punctuate his point: It’s just not right for school to be in session in August.

Klein is no pie-eyed middle schooler but a parent volunteer, nostalgic for the days when Labor Day marked the symbolic bookend to summer vacation. For a growing number of California students — and their frequently frustrated parents — those days are gone.

The start of school has become a moving target, creeping ever earlier as educators are pressured to give students more time to prepare for standardized tests and finish fall exams before the winter holiday break. In Los Angeles County, 28 school districts — more than one-third — now begin classes before Labor Day.

Nationally, about three-quarters of public schools start classes sometime in August, according to education research firm Market Data Retrieval.

Email addresses and college admissions

September 5, 2007

This seems really obvious but just in case your son or daughter is clueless and you need an article to point it out to them.

Your email address « The Ins and Outs of College Admissions

A TIP for 7th grade parents

September 5, 2007

The Duke University Talent Identification Program(TIP) gives bright students access to above level diagnostic testing which just happens to be early practice for the SAT or ACT. As far as I know, CBHS does not participate in this, but parents are free to enroll students on their own. High performers on these tests are directed to appropriate resources and the very high performers are eligible for awards and scholarships.

To qualify for the Duke Talent Search, a student must score in the top 5% on a qualifying subscore of a recognized standardized test in elementary school. If you’ve been in the public school system, this generally means the Math or Reading section of the Norm Referenced FCAT. Complete Eligibility Criteria are here. I suspect that a large number of CBHS kids would qualify. You have until October 1 to register your child.